Work Escape
ewlogoWork Escape

About Us

Hi there!

Welcome to our page! We (Ashley Hau, Cathy Kim, and Ashley Kang) are the founders of Equality Wins Tech Inc. (EWtech Inc.) and the creators of Work Escape (WE). Our company, EWtech Inc., is founded on the basis of gender equality — we believe everyone in the workforce should be treated equally regardless of his or her gender.

We are a part of Girls Who Code 2017, a summer immersion program for high school girls aiming to increase the number of women in computer science by teaching girls how to program and code.

During the program, we learned to code with different languages: python, HTML, CSS, robotics (Arduino C), and we were introduced to various topics such as web security and the internet. At the end of the program, we had 7 days to create a final project with the information we learned over the past 5 weeks.

We decided to use this project as an opportunity to address the gender inequality and mistreatment within the workplace for both males and females. Our game was inspired by a GoDaddy guest speaker who was mistaken as a receptionist on her first day of work as a software engineer at a tech company. We hope that our game will raise more awareness about this issue by portraying real-life scenarios of employees facing this "unconscious" gender bias.

Just like the disclaimer says, these are very specific examples of the struggles men and women face in certain workplaces. Ultimately, our goal is to acknowledge the gender inequality that still exists in the workforce, and we hope it will be solved in the near future.

Thank you for coming to our website, and we hope you will enjoy your time here!


Ashley Hau, Cathy Kim, Ashley Kang